
Open Call for the IX Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition

Open call  /  29 Jul 2024  -  02 Oct 2024
Published: 29.07.2024
Open Call for the IX Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition.
Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas
Lorena Martínez de Corral
Magdalena Vélez
DEADLINE: 02/10/2024

All participants must submit:

- Registration Form (Annex).
- Max 3 photographs of each piece with white background, high resolution (min. 300 ppp), CMYK, JPG or TIFF format, for reproduction in a 16 x 16 cm brochure.
- All the required documentation must be sent via email or WeTransfer to


© By the author. Read Copyright.

After eight consecutive exhibitions, the goal of the IX CONTEMPORARY GOLDSMITHING EXHIBITION remains to be the international diffusion and promotion of contemporary goldsmithing and jewelry design. Thus, the IX CONTEMPORARY GOLDSMITHING EXHIBITION presented by AdOC will take place at the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas of Madrid within the Madrid Design Festival, simultaneously with the Semana del Arte-ARCO. Singular exhibitions in the main museums in Madrid complete a tour around the city.
>> Version en Castellano + formulario de  inscripción

In addition to the Exhibition, specialized Theme Spaces and Venues will take place with singular exhibitions in some of the main museums in Madrid, completing a tour around the city.

Key Dates:
Submission entry: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024.
Notification of selected participants: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024.
Entry fee: Wednesday, October 30th, 2024.
Arrival of shipment: Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Several authors selected from the designers exhibited at the MUSEO NACIONAL de ARTES DECORATIVAS de Madrid will be selected to be exhibited, with no further fees at one of the following museums as well:

MUSEO CERRALBO: Exhibition Private CollectingꞏContemporary Goldsmithing.
IMPRENTA MUNICIPAL - ARTES DEL LIBRO: Exhibition Creative processꞏGoldsmithery drawings.
MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE MADRID (previous Cuartel del Conde Duque).
MUSEO DE HISTORIA DE MADRID (former Real Hospicio de San Fernando): Exhibition Madrid goldsmiths.
MUSEO DE SAN ISIDRO (Los Orígenes de Madrid).
MUSEO EFÍMERO-MADRIDJOYA-IFEMA: Exhibition Contemporary space madOC.

Once the IX MuestraꞏOrfebrería Contemporánea finishes, Subastas Segre will auction pieces from several designers exhibited at the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas de Madrid. AdOC and Subastas Segre will select the pieces that will be auctioned.

The IX CONTEMPORARY GOLDSMITHING EXHIBITION has an international nature, allowing contemporary goldsmiths and jewel designers from every nationality to participate.

Exhibition Coverage
- Exhibition of the selected artworks at Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas of Madrid and the other museums February 5th – March 23rd 2025.
- Exhibition labels and all artwork technical specifications including artist information.
- 2.500 printed triptychs will be handed out at academic, cultural and public institutions, and tourist and cultural centers.
- Contact details of the designers in exhibition spaces.
- 1.000 artwork catalogue copies with two pages per artist and contact details. Three copies will be handed out to each designer.
- Guided tours of the IX Exhibitions by AdOC’s members.

Artists may submit up to 5 separate finished artworks (or a collection of pieces belonging to a set). The Jury will select a maximum of 3 pieces by each designer to be exhibited, corresponding to the categories of Contemporary Goldsmith and/or Jewelry. All pieces must be singular or limited series.
All materials are acceptable but at least 25% must be made or plated in fine metals.

Selection Criteria. Jurying Process & Jury
The Jury will be presided over by Mss. Lorena Martinez de Corral, who will act as curator.

The following selection criteria will be applied: Contemporaneity and design, Concept and investigation, technical execution and innovation and use of new materials.

Entry fee
Registration is free.

Enrollment fee: to be paid once the designer is notified of the selection: 350 €
- The fee is non-refundable.
- Bank details for payment will be sent to the selected participants, to carry out the payment according to the established dates.
- All shipping and return expenses will be paid by the designer.
- The designer accepts all risks of loss or damage of the pieces during transport to and from the exhibition, as well as during the stay at the different exhibition spaces.

Conditions and General Rules
- The jury´s decisions on the selection of pieces are irrevocable. The organization reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions without prior notice.
- Once selected, the designers accept the agreement made between both parties is valid and compromises to its fulfilment.
- The staging and dismantling of the exhibition is in charge of AdOC, who will take the greatest care during the manipulation of the pieces, although it will not be responsible for any damages made during the process.
- The selected designers agree to the use and diffusion in media and publication by the organization of the provided images and photographs of the event.

Acquisition and Donation of the Pieces
The Asociación de Diseñadores de Orfebrería y Joyería Contemporáneas (AdOC) may acquire some of the pieces of the IX CONTEMPORARY GOLDSMITHING EXHIBITION to form part of its private collection.
Designers may donate pieces to the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas

Addendum IX Contemporary Goldsmithing Exhibition
Once the IX CONTEMPORARY GOLDSMITHING EXHIBITION finishes, AdOC and its curator may select an author to participate for free at the Cluster Contemporary Jewellery Fair 2025. This includes four days of exhibition space, a network of international galleries, a year of digital membership, talks and conferences.
Furthermore, Subastas Segre will auction pieces from several participating authors.

>> Check here the 2023 Exhibition Catalogue
Marie Wolf, Ring: Snow.
. Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition..
Marie Wolf, Ring: Snow.
Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Azin Soltani, Brooch: Inside & Outside.
. Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition..
Azin Soltani, Brooch: Inside & Outside.
Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Hao Wei, Ring: My Dream Cloud.
. Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition..
Hao Wei, Ring: My Dream Cloud.
Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Meristema Lab, Brooch: Morphosis Dimetric.
. Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition..
Meristema Lab, Brooch: Morphosis Dimetric.
Selected at the VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing and Jewelry Curated Exhibition.

© By the author. Read Copyright.