
Open Call for the Curated exhibition ...LIÉ.E.S...

Open call  /  Exhibiting   Curating  /  13 Aug 2018  -  15 Jan 2019
Published: 13.08.2018
Open Call for the Curated exhibition ...LIÉ.E.S....
Inner view of the gallery

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"Lié.e.s" is a French translation of the adjective “linked”. The French language allows for more inclusion relative to the subject of a chosen adjective, the "e" will be added for speaking about a woman, and the "s" will be added to evoke the plural. "Attached or fixed by means of a link; to hug or to constrain; to make everybody agree, to harmonize or otherwise prevent action or movement", it has many meanings which gives it an ambivalent nature. It makes it possible to highlight links that some consider as positive or, on the contrary, to criticize constraints that can be perceived in a negative way.