
Open Call for Parcours Bijoux 2026

Open call  /  31 Jan 2025  -  15 Jun 2025
Published: 30.01.2025
Open Call for Parcours Bijoux 2026.
Parcours Bijoux
Andrea Piñeros
DEADLINE: 15/06/2025
Open Call for Parcours Bijoux 2026.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

PARCOURS BIJOUX is a tri-annual gathering around more than 50 jewellery events, held in Paris. It's a rare opportunity for professionals and the general public to discover this field, full of different expressions.
The association D’un bijou à l’autre, the structure responsible for its organization, launches a call for projects for the 5th edition, which will be held from 1 to the 31 of October 2026.

PARCOURS BIJOUX wants to be open to a very wide span of makers and thinkers: Artists, Contemporary Jewellery makers, Visual Artists, Photographers, Experts, Historians, performers …, having a practice or research related to the intimate and complex relation between Body and adornment. A jury composed of experts on the field and members of D’un bijou à l’autre, will be responsible for making a selection on the submitted projects.

The objective of the PARCOURS BIJOUX is to show the general public the richness and diversity of jewellery. This includes original jewellery, unique pieces or pieces from small series. The jewellery presented as part of the project must be innovative or remarkable in relation to its era. Particular attention will be paid to projects whose theme and scenography offer a contemporary vision of jewellery, regardless of the period represented. Applications are open to all, regardless of the country and nationality of the participants. The actors concerned by PARCOURS BIJOUX may be artists, creators, designers, exhibition curators, researchers, institutions, or collectives.

The selection committee is composed of key figures from the world of art and contemporary jewellery. The committee is not required to provide reasons for its decision, which is irrevocable. In the event of a non-selection, the registration fee is non-refundable. The project leaders will be informed of the outcome of the selection by email. 

Selection criteria
- The originality and relevance of the project.
- The quality of jewellery produced in the past by project participants.
- The coherence and quality of the dossier.
- The exhaustive meeting of the admission conditions. 
- Completed form
- Uploaded PDF file and
- Participation of €25

Whatever the duration of the project presented (from one day to several weeks), must include the holding of an event (opening, event closure, guided tour, lecture, etc.) during the official duration/period of the event. The project’s scenography must be maintained in its entirety throughout its duration in order to guarantee the best possible visitor experience for all audiences. 

Projects must take place in public places (museums, galleries, shops, cultural institutes, etc.), in Paris or its immediate suburbs. Projects organized in private venues will not be considered, like workshops.
Projects may be held in open public spaces. It is their responsibility to acquire the appropriate information and obtain authorization if necessary.

Shops/galleries or any other permanent place of sale are authorized to host a project provided that it is the subject of a specific development dedicated to the PARCOURS BIJOUX, by inviting one or more artists. Each project undertakes to respect the opening days and hours published/diffused on the various communication media (printed or dematerialised). It is possible to submit an application project while the search for a host location is still ongoing. However, the name and address of the place must be communicated by 18 February 2026 at the latest. The organisation of the PARCOURS BIJOUX reserves the right to exclude a project if the location communicated does not meet the conditions necessary for the proper presentation of the project and the image of the PARCOURS BIJOUX. 

The availability or not for the sale of the works presented as part of the PARCOURS BIJOUX is left to the discretion of each project.
The association D’un bijou à l’autre does not intervene in any type of commercial relationship between participants, exhibition venues and potential customers. It does not charge any kind of commission. It should be noted that each project is required to be informed of the legal obligations relating to the possible sale of the works.

Key dates
- PARCOURS BIJOUX 2026 will take place from October 1 to 31, 2026.
- The call for projects is open from January 30 to June 15, 2025.
- The selection jury will be held in July 2025.
- Project leaders will be informed of the jury's selection at the end of July 2025.
- Final registration with the address of the exhibition venue, the dates of the exhibition, and the date of the opening must be communicated before February 28, 2026.
- Payment of participation fees must be paid no later than February 28, 2026.
- The highlight will take place from October 1 to 11, 2026: we encourage you to plan your opening on these dates.
- A party will be organized on Sunday, October 11, 2026.

Application fees
To be able to apply we ask the project leader to participate 25 € This application fee is not refundable in any case.

Participation fees
Once the projects have been selected, participants in the PARCOURS BIJOUX will be asked to pay the participation fee by 18 February 2026 at the latest.

Solo exhibition = 540 € 
Exhibition 2 people = 660 € 
Exhibition 3 people = 780 € 
Exhibition 4 people = 900 € 
Exhibition 5 people =1020 € 
Exhibition 6 people = 1140 € 
Exhibition 7 people = 1260 € 
Exhibition 8 people = 1380 € 
Exhibition 9 people = 1500 € 
Exhibition 10 people = 1620 € 
Exhibition 11 people = 1740 € 
Exhibition 12 people or more = 1860 € 
All fees are including tax 

These costs will cover all communications:
- Press and media communication plan orchestrated by a specialised agency
- Printing and distribution of various printed and/or dematerialised communication media (map/guide, social network, signage, website, etc.) The association D’un bijou à l’autre undertakes to do everything possible to optimise the visibility of the selected projects.

For the application form click here

D’un bijou à l’autre
The association D’un bijou à l’autre is responsible for the organisation and general coordination of the PARCOURS BIJOUX (management of communication and press/media relations, the search for public and/or private partnerships, and the search for funding).

Project leader
To facilitate communication between the association D’un bijou à l’autre and the participants in the PARCOURS BIJOUX, each project is asked to designate a project leader. This person will exclusively ensure the link between D’un bijou à l’autre, and the participant(s) in their project. They will, among other things, be responsible for transmitting information to the various actors of the project (participants, place, etc.). The project leader may be an artist, an exhibition curator, a representative of a gallery or an institution. More broadly, each project leader will be responsible for their event (scenography, curatorial, etc.) and provide funding (shipping costs, insurance, communication elements related to his event, etc.).

Legal Notices
Each project must ensure that the work presented during the PARCOURS BIJOUX does not infringe any copyright or moral rights of third parties. The association D’un bijou à l’autre cannot in any way be held responsible for any legal action in reference to work presented. Following the selection of the project, the participants grant D’un bijou à l’autre the right to use the images and texts transmitted in the various stages of organisation of the PARCOURS BIJOUX and the photographs and/or videos taken during the event to be used in different media for promotional purposes.