
Selected Artists at Friedrich Becker Prize 2020. Studio Insights of Klimt02 Members

Article  /  Awards   Artists   Exhibiting
Published: 05.06.2020

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The internationally renowned Friedrich Becker Prize is awarded every three years by the Society for Goldsmith Art Hanau. 151 artists from 16 countries entered jewelry and silver hollow- and flatware for the Friedrich Becker Prize 2020, and the prizewinner and 41 exhibition participants were selected by a high-calibre jury. These works demonstrate exciting design approaches; unusual materials and techniques are not uncommonly applied and their artisanal perfection carries conviction. Apart from the upcoming exhibition at the Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf and at the Society for Goldsmith Art Hanau, all 41 finalists have been invited to share some insight into their professional practice in short videos, published by the Society for Goldsmith Art. All videos can be found online at the Webpage of the Friedrich Becker Prize

We present you the selection of the videos of Klimt02 members talking about their pieces and professional practice.