
I am trying to get a more balanced approach, always excited to reveal the massive potential of the genuine leather as a medium. Ana Petrova interviewed by Klimt02

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 14.02.2025
I am trying to get a more balanced approach, always excited to reveal the massive potential of the genuine leather as a medium. Ana Petrova interviewed by Klimt02. Ana Petrova
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Ring: Ring Terracotta by Ana Petrova.Genuine leather. 2023.7.5 x 3 cm. Size: 58.5Unique piece. Ana Petrova
Ring: Ring Terracotta, 2023
Genuine leather
7.5 x 3 cm. Size: 58.5
© By the author. Read Copyright.

New Klimt02 member Ana Petrova shares how her background in traditional craftsmanship led her to contemporary jewellery and the exploration of leather.
Tell us about your background. What were your first influences to be creative and become an artist, and what has drawn you to contemporary jewellery?
I was born into a long line of makers with exceptional skills in fabric weaving, tailoring and shoe making - the oldest art forms and functional crafts. This shaped my interest in design and applied arts and my appreciation of talent combined with interpersonal skills, character and discipline.
Experimenting with genuine leather offcuts naturally brought me to contemporary jewellery. Playing and creating volumes out of the flat piece of leather, I found a way to express myself and enter this parallel universe where all sorts of shapes and meanings exist, and I feel connected.

What are your general thoughts on the contemporary jewelry world (education, market, development)? Where do you see chances, and where are the dead ends?
I am not trained as a jeweller, but in the field, as in everywhere else, there is room for every artist with a strong, unique voice.

How has your work changed over the past few years, and what are you excited about these days?
My work is changing with understanding my role and the message I want to communicate. Initially, I was looking mainly to produce some amount of drama with extra-large volumes. Now, I am trying to get a more balanced approach, always excited to reveal the massive potential of the genuine leather as a medium and explore the delicate relationship between the human body and its adornments.