
I made it - you name it. Conversation with Otto Künzli in Tokyo

Published: 01.02.2016
I made it - you name it. Conversation with Otto Künzli in Tokyo.
Poster Otto Künzli. The Exhibition. The Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo. Photo by Naoya Ikegami, starring Kaoru Ishii.
Street festival with lanterns and exhibition banner, Meguro-dōri Avenue near the Museum, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Photos by Otto Künzli.


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Otto Künzli. The Exhibition, traveled from Munich to Lausanne before its final destination in Tokyo. This interview with Otto Künzli is a companion to our previous interview with Akio Seki, a chief curator at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (TTM), and was conducted at the venue during the exhibit. The conversation went beyond the scope of the exhibit to include the artist’s view on his profession and jewellery, as well as his message to the next generation. The first draft of our follow-up discussion was far too informative to cut down so I’d like to introduce it as written.