
The characteristics of Hanji's materials and the attractiveness of the Jiseung craft technique. Interview with Eunhee Cho by Klimt02

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 20.06.2022
Ring: Jiseung  Ring by Eunhee Cho.Hanji, metal stamen, pearl. 2022.2.5 x 2.5 x 5 cmUnique piece.In the collection.. Eunhee Cho
Ring: Jiseung Ring, 2022
Hanji, metal stamen, pearl
2.5 x 2.5 x 5 cm

In the collection.

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Eunhee Cho wants to keep trying with various experiments in the future with Jiseung jewelry that gave her freedom, and she wants to complete her own skills and voice as an artist, not just inherit traditional techniques.