
Martina Singerová interviewed by Jiří Sibor

Interview  /  Artists   BehindTheScenes
Published: 16.08.2015
Necklace: Untitled by Martina Singerová.Amber, Resin, Silver.. 2015.Photo by: Štěpán Mamula.From series: Circle. Martina Singerová
Necklace: Untitled, 2015
Amber, Resin, Silver.
Photo by: Štěpán Mamula
From series: Circle
© By the author. Read Copyright.

First we met on our exhibition in Munich 3 years before and just now you are participating on traveled exhibition WO ALLES ANFÄNGT  in Galerie für Angewandte Kunst in Munich on occasion of the 100 anniversary of the founding of Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle (University of Art and Design). Your teacher - artist Daniel Kruger is the professor of Jewelry and he has organized an exhibition that shows the work of students, graduates and teachers from his time there.