
Isolation and Global Sameness. About Critique. Interview with Peter Deckers

Interview  /  CriticalThinking
Published: 16.05.2018
Isolation and Global Sameness. About Critique. Interview with Peter Deckers.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Klimt02 has started a discussion about critique and shows various perceptions. We have been choosing different interview partners from the field of art and design. Working in art and design might seem like a wonderfully idyllic and relaxed career choice, where you have the pure freedom to let your creative juices flow. Each of them represents a unique view and gives us an overview of their own experiences. This is the third interview of seven.

We talk with Peter Deckers, who immigrated to New Zealand in 1985 and completed a Master of Fine Arts at Elam, Auckland University, in 2003. Peter is Head of the jewellery department, senior tutor, lecturer in contextual and exhibition practice at Whitireia NZ, Wellington. He founded and developed the award-winning HANDSHAKE project, an international mentor and exhibition programme for emerging New Zealand makers from 2011. This unique project has inspired the international art careers of several emerging NZ art jewellers.