
Jutta Klingebiel interviewed by Karin Roy Andersson

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 07.12.2021
Brooch: Sammlung by Jutta Klingebiel.Stainless steel, enamel. 2020.Photo by: Jutta Klingebiel. Jutta Klingebiel
Brooch: Sammlung, 2020
Stainless steel, enamel
Photo by: Jutta Klingebiel
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I actually find a lot of inspiration in nature and its processes. It's a seemingly endless source. And you always learn something new, the deeper you go. This has always been the case for me, but right now it is so important. But honestly, I find inspiration in my perception of life itself, it can be almost anything. A random observation or maybe even a dream. Yes, dreams are good for me at the moment too.