
I Feel Like There is a Standard of How Contemporary Jewellery Should Look Like. Koen Jacobs interviewed by Klimt02

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 19.05.2020
Body piece: Camaleão 3/3 by Koen Jacobs.Silver, silicium carbide, fimo, rhinestones.. 2017.18 x 8 x 30 cm.Photo by: Gerrit Rietveld Academie.From series: The Artificial Kingdom. Koen Jacobs
Body piece: Camaleão 3/3, 2017
Silver, silicium carbide, fimo, rhinestones.
18 x 8 x 30 cm
Photo by: Gerrit Rietveld Academie
From series: The Artificial Kingdom
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Recently I have many doubts about the contemporary jewellery scene, there are many jewellery makers and a small group of collectors. Most jewellers do need side jobs to make a living, even known ones. Sometimes I feel like there is a standard of how contemporary jewellery should look like, generated through galleries, platforms and museums, but most likely the scene has to widen up to reach out to new people and new markets.