
I Hope to Open a Little Window Into my own Creative Thinking. Nora Kovats interviewed by Klimt02

Interview  /  Artists
Published: 03.04.2020
Object: A Conscious Garden by Nora Kovats.Enamel, Copper, Silver, Gem, Nylon. 2016.11 x 15 cm.Photo by: Nora Kovats. Nora Kovats
Object: A Conscious Garden, 2016
Enamel, Copper, Silver, Gem, Nylon
11 x 15 cm
Photo by: Nora Kovats
© By the author. Read Copyright.

My favourite jewellery techniques include sawing out of metal, soldering to construct shapes, and enameling. My thoughts keep returning to the process of enamelling and the complete devotion it demands of its practitioner. This creative process, with its vivid possibilities of colour, its laborious ritualistic method and its ties to alchemical practices, inspires a creative drive in me that compels me to make.