
Two steps from here by Alischa Kilburg

Object  /  Fashion   OnBody   Playful   Conceptual
Punching (embroidery), sewing, stitching.

In her textile body objects, Alischa Kilburg deals with the theme of the border as an inconspicuous line that nevertheless creates separation, but also connections or transitions, but in any case, reveals differences. Alischa Kilburg deals with this topic in materials such as textiles and metal (stainless steel, steel, nickel silver). The resulting textile body objects alternate between the areas of fashion, jewellery, and objects and draws on their specific material groups. In order to create new surfaces, old clothes were separated and connected with different textile materials, metal was partially embroidered, drilled, or bent to match and linked to the textile object by sewing. The metal connections make it possible to attach the objects to the body or to clothing. The stability of the metal and the softness, as well as the mobility of the textile, produce an interesting contrast. Alischa Kilburg creates body objects that can also be seen as a complement to existing clothing, and like jewellery supplement it and set accents.

Alischa Kilburg
Two steps from here
Woolen yarn cotton fabric, foam, polyester fabric, steel wire, stainless steel sheet.
34 x 26 x 5.5 cm
Photo by:
Laura Schleder, Alischa Kilburg

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