
Touch and Seduction Silverware by Renata Porto

Serie: Salomé
Inspired in part by Lucas Cranach, the Elder, and by the play by Oscar Wide, the silverware of touch and seduction were created.
Salome is curious to know the man who is trapped in her palace, so she seduces the guards to see him and immediately falls in love with the prophet.
John, the Baptist , worried about his missions, just look at Salome, who indignantly, does not understand the pain that takes over your body, because she had never suffered from rejection ever before.
Full of love and hate, she convinces her stepfather to cut the head of the prophet and deliver it on a platter in exchange for the dance of seven veils, and therefore another one of her whim is served. Once she has his head on her hands, a silverware of Touch and Seduction is created so Salome can create in John, the Baptist the desire to seduce her.

Renata Porto
Touch and Seduction Silverware

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