
Preziosa Young Design Competition 2013

Award  /  16 May 2013  -  16 Dec 2013
Published: 18.01.2013
Brooch: A Constant Grinding by Karin Roy Andersson.Apple seeds, titanium, aluminium steel, silver. 2012.10 x 6 x 4 cm. Karin Roy Andersson
Brooch: A Constant Grinding, 2012
Apple seeds, titanium, aluminium steel, silver
10 x 6 x 4 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

We are happy to announce the list of artists selected for the 2013’ edition. We thank everyone for participating in our contest, which becomes more and more important, largely due to the high quality of the participants. The selection had been very hard: we had 225 applicants, and mostly of them with excellent works...