
Talente. Masters of the Future Prizes 2024

Award giving  /  MunichJewelleryWeek2024  /  02 Mar 2024
Published: 24.03.2024
Masoumeh Rezaeilouyeh. Necklace: Frau, Leben, Freiheit, 2023. Pearls, pearl weaving. 60 x 11 x 0.2 cm. Photo by: Masoumeh Rezaeilouyeh. Awarded at: Talente. Masters of the Future Prizes 2024. Masoumeh Rezaeilouyeh
Necklace: Frau, Leben, Freiheit, 2023
Pearls, pearl weaving
60 x 11 x 0.2 cm
Photo by: Masoumeh Rezaeilouyeh
Awarded at: Talente. Masters of the Future Prizes 2024
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Eight Talente prizes for design and technology were awarded to newcomers worldwide at the «Handwerk & Design» trade fair in Munich: Daniela Cimen, Max Greiner, Charlotte Marabito, Lydia Soojin Park, Soohyun Chou, Benedict Haener, Masoumeh Rezaeilouyeh and Damien Ajavon are this year's awarded artists.

TALENTE – Meister der Zukunft is a competition for newcomers in design and technology under the age of 35. It takes place annually as a special show of «Handwerk & Design» at the Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich.