
Friedrich Becker Prize 2011

Award  /  11 May 2011  -  05 Jun 2011
Published: 13.02.2014
Brooch: Untitled by Robert Baines.Gold. 2008.Gold brooch by Robert Baines, winner of the 2008 Friedrich Becker Prize. Robert Baines
Brooch: Untitled, 2008
Gold brooch by Robert Baines, winner of the 2008 Friedrich Becker Prize
© By the author. Read Copyright.

A piece of jewellery or a small utensil, either one-of-a-kind or a prototype for serial production, may be submitted. The Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst wishes to commemorate the extraordinary individual and important designer Friedrich Becker by awarding a chosen winner 5.000 €.