
Silver Triennial, 18th International Competition Award

Award  /  07 Jan 2016  -  11 Jul 2016
Published: 07.01.2016
Vessel: Simultanea by Peter Bauhuis.800/000 silver, two different alloys.. 2013.Ø 12 cm, H 25 cm.Awarded at: Robbe & Berking Hauptpreis. Peter Bauhuis
Vessel: Simultanea, 2013
800/000 silver, two different alloys.
Ø 12 cm, H 25 cm
Awarded at: Robbe & Berking Hauptpreis
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Gold and silversmiths, metal artists and designers, as well as students and apprentices from Germany and abroad are invited to participate. Each participant may submit a maximum of two works, each of which may consist of multiple pieces. Collaboration between the designer and the executer is permitted. Works must be dated no earlier than April, 2013.