
Trieste Contemporanea Design Contest 2006

Published: 31.05.2006
Trieste Contemporanea
Luca Signorini
DEADLINE: 31/05/2006


Trieste Contemporanea. Dialogues with the Art of Central Eastern Europe" is a committee of cultural institutions and associations created in June 1995 with the objective of bringing out the role of Trieste as a hinge between Western Europe, the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean area for the creation in Trieste of a permanent observatory on the contemporary situation of art and culture in Central-Eastern Europe.

Purpose of the competition

The Trieste Contemporanea Committee announces the seventh edition of the international design competition "Trieste Contemporanea" with the objective of promoting the most original expressions in design from the countries of Central-Eastern Europe . The initiative is organized in co-production with the glass school "Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti" of Murano. The contest is promoted under the patronage of the Central European Initiative (C.E.I.) and is supported by the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the CRTrieste Foundation.

Theme of the 2006 competition: glass jewel

The 2006 competition has as its objective the investigation of the relationship between the human body and glass as a material, through its special moulding qualities, its versatility and its possibility to be worn, which have always made it as a protagonist in the decoration of the human body.
The candidates wishing to participate in the competition are required to submit projects concerning the creation of any type of glass jewelry which complies with the following criteria:

a. the object will have to be conceived as an ornament for the body and thus, after its creation, will have to be wearable.
b. glass should be the predominant material making up the object

Criteria for admission to the competition

The competition is open to all designers born in, or who are currently citizens of, the countries adhering to C.E.I. (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine) as well as Estonia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.
If applying as a group, the majority of the group members must be born in, or currently be citizens of, the above stated countries.

Terms of participation in the competition

Enrolment to the competition is free of charge. In order to participate candidates must submit their projects and their duly filled-in application form in each of its sections (which may also be downloaded from this web-site), to the Trieste Contemporanea Committee by the given deadline. Groups are asked to submit one application form only containing the details of the group-leader and indicating the names and nationality/citizenship of all group members.

Terms of Project Presentation:
Projects are to be presented on a maximum of 4 sheets, preferably using a 1:1 scale and must be accompanied by a description in Italian and/or English (maximum 1500 letters including spaces) and by the application form. Projects must include all the technical information necessary for the execution of the prototype. Furthermore, it will be useful to supply exhaustive graphic information for each section making up the object, as well as a list of the samples of colors that will be used.
Projects may also be submitted by e-mail, where, following the above mentioned terms of presentation, images should be sent as .jpg files and texts in .rtf (rich text) format.

Original unpublished Projects:
Projects submitted to the competition and submitted by designers invited hors concours in accordance with art. 5, will need to be original and unpublished projects, created esclusively for the "Trieste Contemporanea" international design competition. The judgement concerning the originality of the proposal is entirely up to the jury.

Projects and accompanying material must be delivered to the Committee by May 31st 2006. For material sent by regular post, the date of the postmark will prevail.

All submitted projects will be treated as fully confidential and will under no circumstance be shown to third parties, i.e. to anyone not belonging to the examining commission, before the closing date of the competition. The Committee reserves the right to include the project and the curricula of the selected participants and those of the prize-winners in the publication documenting the competition. To this end, applicants are asked to enclose, with the application form, a short CV based on the model provided. The Committee will not accept any material on which postal charges are due.

The material submitted will not be returned but it will be available for collection by the designer at the offices of the Committee for a period of 6 months after the awarding ceremony. Within the afore mentioned period of time the participants may eventually request the mailing, at their expense, of the projects submitted by sending an e-mail at the following address and by clearly stating the address the material will have to be sent to. After this period the Committee will not assure the return of the material still in storage.

Hors concours participations

The Trieste Contemporanea Committee for 2006 intends to invite hors concours a group of designers to present a project or a prototype for a glass jewel.

Composition of the judging commission and evaluation criteria

The Jury will be composed of Gillo Dorfles (president), of the two representatives of the organizing bodies, of a representative of the CEI, and of four international experts that will meet by mid June 2006.

The evaluation criteria will be based upon the following priorities:
1. originality, depth of conception and innovativness
2. compliance with the indications given in this competition announcement
3. completeness and clarity of the data given for the presentation of the project

art. 7 Prizes
- executed as a glass prototype
- exhibited and published

YOUNGEST DESIGNER among the ones selected:
- BEBA PRIZE: Euro 1000,00;
- accomodation by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti of Murano, during the execution of the project
- journeys and accomodation by Trieste Contemporanea for the awarding ceremony
- ownership of one of the two specimens created during the workshop at the Scuola del Vetro

- CEI PRIZE: Euro 3000,00;
- accomodation by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti of Murano, during the execution of the project
- journeys and accomodation by Trieste Contemporanea for the awarding ceremony
- ownership of one of the two specimens created during the workshop at the Scuola del Vetro

- accomodation by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti of Murano, during the execution of the project
- journeys and accomodation by Trieste Contemporanea for the awarding ceremony
- ownership of one of the two specimens created during the workshop at the Scuola del Vetro

BEST DESIGNER FROM VENEZIA, if any, among the ones selected:
- accomodation by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti of Murano, during the execution of the project
- journeys and accomodation by Trieste Contemporanea for the awarding ceremony
- ownership of one of the two specimens created during the workshop at the Scuola del Vetro

BEST DESIGNER FROM TRIESTE, if any, among the ones selected:
- accomodation by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti, of Murano, during the execution of the project
- ownership of one of the two specimens created during the workshop at the Scuola del Vetro

art. 8 Workshop in Murano

The designers of the projects selected by the Committee, in accordance with art.6, will be invited to participate in a workshop from July 3rd to the 13th 2006, coordinated by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti of Murano. During the workshop the projects for the glass jewels will be executed, and meetings as well as visits will be organized with the objective of a useful confrontation among the designers, master glass-blowers and artists of various countries involved in the field of contemporary glass research.

art. 9 Execution of the projects

In accordance with art. 7 and 8, all selected and winning projects will be executed in Murano (two specimens) by the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti. The master glass-blowers in charge of the execution of the prototypes reserve the right to apply technical modifications to the projects, if necessary for their execution.
All selected designers will be invited to oversee and participate in the execution of the project, and to this end, they will be supplied with the work calendar of the workshop.

art. 10 Publication of competition results

The results of the competition will be published on the Internet, on the web-site as of the end of June 2006.
The closing of the competition will be marked by a special publication.
The Committee will announce and circulate the results of the competition through the international press and media.

art. 11 Exhibition of selected and winning projects

The glass jewelry created from the selected and winning projects, as well as the ones presented by the designers invited hors concours according to art. 5, will be exhibited in Venice and Trieste by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, which reserves itself the right to include further exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

art. 12 Copyrights

The designer of the object is, to all intents and purposes, the owner of its relevant rights. Should any candidate wish to protect their design through application for copyright or for patent registration, they may do so before submitting the project to the competition.
The authors grant the ownership of one of the two objects, created in accordance with art. 9, which will be part of the exhibitions, to Trieste Contemporanea Committee, whose rights it will be allowed to utilize for promotional and cultural purposes.