
101 Women Adorned by Marijke Schurink

Exhibition  /  04 Mar 2018  -  27 May 2018
Published: 16.02.2018
Marijke Schurink. Piece: Belle van Zuylen, 2017. Photo, spoon, beads.. 21 x 30 cm. Marijke Schurink
Piece: Belle van Zuylen, 2017
Photo, spoon, beads.
21 x 30 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

It's a unique art project by Visual Artist Marijke Schurink. A dark-haired woman gazes at you intently. Her hands seem ready to grab you. Between her mouth and her fingers a red piece of string is stretched in the shape of a star. We are looking at photographer Maria Austria (1915-1975) from the book 1001 Vrouwen uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis (1001 women from Dutch history) by historian Els Kloek, as reworked by visual artist Marijke Schurink.