
Berührungspunkte by Fritz Maierhofer and Margit Hart

Exhibition  /  22 Apr 2017  -  15 May 2017
Published: 10.04.2017
Brooch: Fil d’Ariane by Margit Hart.Pigment print on acrylic.. 2015.13.4 x 8 cm; 13 x 10 cm; 14 x 9.5 cm; 10.8 x 9.7 cm. Margit Hart
Brooch: Fil d’Ariane, 2015
Pigment print on acrylic.
13.4 x 8 cm; 13 x 10 cm; 14 x 9.5 cm; 10.8 x 9.7 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The work of Fritz Maierhofer and Margit Hart looks very different at first sight - Margit’s pieces seem geometrically thought-out, and Fritz’s created almost out of a belly feeling. On closer inspection, both are very picturesque and reveal the common inspiration source: nature.