
Captivating Brilliance by Peter Schmid

Exhibition  /  10 Aug 2018  -  12 Sep 2018
Published: 24.06.2018
Model: Jocelyn Montoya, Hair & Make-up: David Zimmerman - The Santa Fe Opera, Jewelry: Peter Schmid - Atelier Zobel; Photo: Peter Ogilvie..
Model: Jocelyn Montoya, Hair & Make-up: David Zimmerman - The Santa Fe Opera, Jewelry: Peter Schmid - Atelier Zobel; Photo: Peter Ogilvie.

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Peter Schmid, world-renowned jewelry maker, will arrive from Germany to launch his all-new exhibition at Patina Gallery, inspired by the Santa Fe Opera’s 2018 production of Giacomo Puccini’s Madame Butterfly.