
Coloured by the aesthetics of science by Åsa Christensson

Exhibition  /  16 Mar 2018  -  14 Apr 2018
Published: 12.03.2018
Brooch: Aether VII by Åsa Christensson.Pine, silver, laquer, steel.. 2017.11 x 3 x 0.5 cm. Åsa Christensson
Brooch: Aether VII, 2017
Pine, silver, laquer, steel.
11 x 3 x 0.5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Mathematics, physics and chemistry are always present in the studio of a jeweller – calculations, processes and reactions. But science can also be a source of inspiration at another level. The work of Åsa Christensson is coloured by the aesthetics of science - a world where old discoveries are challenged by new ideas, where the present rapidly transforms into history and where the future moves closer every nanosecond.