
In Context by Helen Britton

Exhibition  /  14 Jun 2015  -  11 Oct 2015
Published: 04.06.2015
Brooch: Untitled by Helen Britton.Silver, paint, glass & plastics. 2013.16 x 7 x 2.5 cm. Helen Britton
Brooch: Untitled, 2013
Silver, paint, glass & plastics
16 x 7 x 2.5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

As part of her Artist in Residence at the gallery Helen is presenting an exhibition with over 60 works of jewellery, textile, drawings... Her work at the studio is a process of direct, intuitive, integration and construction, an open-ended experiment. Completely immersed in her own process of reinvention and creation that lies well outside the limited boundaries of verbalisation.