
Deconstructing money - Increasing value by Lauren Tickle

Exhibition  /  15 May 2015  -  15 Jun 2015
Published: 12.05.2015
Brooch: $104.00 Dollars, Currency Converted by Lauren Tickle.US dollar bills, silver, monofilament, surgical steel. 2015.13.5 x 12.9 x 2.6 cm.From series: Increasing Value. Lauren Tickle
Brooch: $104.00 Dollars, Currency Converted, 2015
US dollar bills, silver, monofilament, surgical steel
13.5 x 12.9 x 2.6 cm
From series: Increasing Value
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The same way different metals and stones have unique properties that can be used to artistic effect, so does currency. The medium I use to construct works of art cannot be separated from its social constructs or from the personal experiences each viewer already has with money. This is why my work provokes questions about perceived value, inherent value, and social class.  
Lauren Tickle