
In Dialogue with the Baroque

Exhibition  /  01 Sep 2013  -  13 Oct 2013
Published: 04.09.2013
Gerold Tusch. Vase: Pad and Paddy II. Ceramic, velvet. each 68x56-58 cm. Gerold, TuschVases: Pad and Paddy IICeramic, velveteach 68x56-58 cm. Gerold Tusch
Vase: Pad and Paddy II
Ceramic, velvet
each 68x56-58 cm

Gerold, Tusch
Vases: Pad and Paddy II
Ceramic, velvet
each 68x56-58 cm

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The exhibition “In Dialogue with the Baroque“ is presented in the Neues Schloss Schleißheim. The idea of the dialogue becomes most clear by the context of the palace. The works by international artists and craftsmen can be compared directly with interiors and objects from the 18th century.