
At the Edge of Mänttä

Exhibition  /  02 Jul 2023  -  30 Jul 2023
Published: 14.07.2023
At the Edge of Mänttä.
On the wall and on the table:
Jenni Sokura
Tuttua ja turvallista / Familiar and safe
three objects - ceramic, textile, leather
sizes, each around 20 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm

On the table.
Tarja Tuupanen
Craft & Tradition
2014 -2017
two objects - marble, marble dust
various sizes

photo: Jenni Sokura

© By the author. Read Copyright.

At the Edge of Mänttä (Mäntän äärellä) is an exhibition concept, where contemporary art is displayed in apartments on sale.
The exhibition shows 20 contemporary artists in 10 apartments. The concept unites artfield, the public and local real estate market.