
Eligius Schmuckpreis 2016

Exhibition  /  10 Jun 2016  -  23 Jun 2016
Published: 01.06.2016
Piece: Diplopia 3 by Lena Grabher.3D Print, acrylic glass mirror, silicone.. 2015.10 x 31 x 21.5 cm. Lena Grabher
Piece: Diplopia 3, 2015
3D Print, acrylic glass mirror, silicone.
10 x 31 x 21.5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

An exhibition with the finalists of the 5th edition of the prestigious Eligius Jewellery Award, which is granted with 7000€ prize money for Austrian jewellery artists. The exhibition includes a retrospective from Anna Heindl and will take place in a second venue in september, the MAK in Vienna.