
Emotional Metamorphosis by Sílvia Serra Albaladejo

Exhibition  /  30 Nov 2019  -  31 Jan 2020
Published: 10.12.2019
Brooch: Tinc la pell blanca de Lisboa by Sílvia Serra Albaladejo.Gold, silver, coral, moon stone.. 2012.4.5 x 4 x 1.5 cm.From series: Emotional Metamorphosis. Sílvia Serra Albaladejo
Brooch: Tinc la pell blanca de Lisboa, 2012
Gold, silver, coral, moon stone.
4.5 x 4 x 1.5 cm
From series: Emotional Metamorphosis
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The artist presents three pieces of the series Refugiats Desemparats, which are a symbol in the memory of all those who have fallen in Mediterranean waters, and inland. And also some pieces of the Traces series that are part of the exhibition of the same name. With Metamorfosi Emocional, her latest project, she invites us to take a leisurely, poetical journey through some of her jewels and through the texts by Catherine Flumian.