HEAR, Haute école des arts du Rhin. Degree Show 2021
Published: 16.09.2021
Ring: Lulav, 2021
Copper, paint.
So that, weak as I am, I do not let my head go with the winds, yielding to the slightest breeze that it meets, it would need everything around me to be unmoving or, thrown and humming like a spinning top, I’m cut off from all things external […] when I’m slowly spinning and trying to launch myself, a nothing, a word, a story, a newspaper, a visit brings me to a stop, preventing me from becoming a gyroscope or a spinning top […] and can put off, maybe forever, the moment when, having acquired sufficient speed, I will be able to concentrate on myself, to the exclusion of all around me.
© By the author. Read Klimt02.net Copyright.

In the Diploma Degree program 2021, students in jewellery workshop at HEAR develop a relevant personal vision through the use of various materials and know-how.
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