
Human Space Identity

Exhibition  /  16 Oct 2020  -  31 Oct 2020
Published: 14.10.2020
Human Space Identity.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

On the occasion of Parcours Bijoux 2020, A/dornment has the pleasure of presenting the exhibition Human Space Identity which includes the works of four Italian jewelry artists and designers, Laura Forte, Letizia Maggio, Simona Materi, and Francesca Mazzotta, together with an artist from Mexico, Raquel Bessudo. The exhibition will be held at Galerie Sophie...etc! from 16th to 31st October and will show the results achieved by the artists' creative explorations, which, in a choral and specific way, deal with the theme of identity in relation to that of space, developing distinct conceptual paths and using different languages.