
Intersection by Svenja John

Exhibition  /  12 Nov 2018  -  25 Nov 2018
Published: 11.10.2018
Bracelet: Imola by Svenja John.Polycarbonate Makrolon, nylon 3D-printed, fine-pigmented acrylic paint.. 2018.11 x 11 x 8 cm.Waterjet cutting, laser-sintering technology, hand-colored.. Svenja John
Bracelet: Imola, 2018
Polycarbonate Makrolon, nylon 3D-printed, fine-pigmented acrylic paint.
11 x 11 x 8 cm
Waterjet cutting, laser-sintering technology, hand-colored.
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Svenja John has been working with Makrolon, a polycarbonate of the highest quality since 1994. Imaginatively joining and interlacing small pieces painted in multifarious colors and fine-pigmented acrylic paint, to form highly original, semiotically multilayered jewelry.