
Jewelrassic Park by Felieke van der Leest in Cambridge

Exhibition  /  18 May 2019  -  16 Jun 2019
Published: 11.03.2019
Piece: Think Sustainable! by Felieke van der Leest.Textile, plastic animal, oxidized silver, mammoth ivory, glass beads, magnets, steel.. 2017.32 x 14 x 14 cm.Object with necklace.. Felieke van der Leest
Piece: Think Sustainable!, 2017
Textile, plastic animal, oxidized silver, mammoth ivory, glass beads, magnets, steel.
32 x 14 x 14 cm
Object with necklace.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

In this tense political situation in America and the world, it is truly a pleasure and "a breath of fresh air" to have Felieke tackle things like climate change etc… with her wit, humour and bold, vivid sculptural, wearable forms...