
Jiro Kamata: Momentopia

Exhibition  /  31 Oct 2009  -  22 Nov 2009
Published: 27.10.2009
Brooch: Momentopia by Jiro Kamata.Blackened silver, white gold 750, lacquer, camera lens. 2008. Jiro Kamata
Brooch: Momentopia, 2008
Blackened silver, white gold 750, lacquer, camera lens
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Camera lenses are principal elements in Kamata's work. He strips them down to their smallest components, takes away all that is redundant and rebuild them to accurately composed necklaces and brooches. The jewellery plays with the optical effects of the camera lenses, the way they absorb and depict the surroundings. The work is highly technological but yet philosophical in a sense that they evoke thoughts, about images that exists behind the eye of the camera, and the question of who is watching whom.