
Karin Johansson: New Places - Abstractions of a City

Exhibition  /  22 Feb 2012  -  23 Mar 2012
Published: 15.02.2012
Necklace: New Places - Market by Karin Johansson.Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed turquoise, reconstructed jade, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral. 2012.104 cmUnique piece. Karin Johansson
Necklace: New Places - Market, 2012
Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed turquoise, reconstructed jade, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral
104 cm
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Klimt02 | Gallery presents in Barcelona New Places - Abstractions of a City, a series of necklaces by Swedish artist Karin Johansson. As citizens we understand our city by the visual fragments that are printed in our brain, kind of memories of it giving us a personal vision of where we live. A colour, a smell, an architectonic detail... become abstract forms that explain our perception of space we inhabit.