
Morgenland und Abendland

Exhibition  /  07 Sep 2013  -  28 Sep 2013
Published: 20.08.2013
Brooch: Untitled by Bettina Speckner.Ferrotype, Silver, Ruby, Ammo-nite; Tigers Eye. 2013.10 x 5,5 cm. Bettina Speckner
Brooch: Untitled, 2013
Ferrotype, Silver, Ruby, Ammo-nite; Tigers Eye
10 x 5,5 cm

Bettina, Speckner
Brooch: Untitled, 200
Ferrotype, Silver, Ruby, Ammo-nite; Tigers Eye
10 x 5,5 cm

© By the author. Read Copyright.

The theme for this exhibition is a jewellery travel from east to west. Four internationally renowned artists from two continents - Asia and Europe - has been invited: Mari Ishikawa and Mirei Takeuchi from Japan,
 Kim Buck from Denmark and Bettina Speckner from Germany.