
Naughty Thoughts. Project Sang Sang by Studio Obok

Exhibition  /  31 Oct 2019  -  05 Nov 2019
Published: 28.01.2020
Object: Block block 1 by Studio Obok.Electronic components, acrylic, plastic, steel, figment, string, shrinkable tube.. 2019.35 x 100 x 22 cm. Studio Obok
Object: Block block 1, 2019
Electronic components, acrylic, plastic, steel, figment, string, shrinkable tube.
35 x 100 x 22 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

One day I saw a cicada stuck on a window.
I could see a cicada's belly through the window, which I have never seen before.
It was both gross and beautiful.
/ Soyeon Kim, ‘glass and mirror’ 

Transparent things are mysterious.