
The Ostrich Policy. Envisioned Nature by Marion Delarue

Exhibition  /  03 Feb 2019  -  02 Mar 2019
Published: 28.01.2019
Brooch: Parrot Devotee 3 by Marion Delarue.Natural feathers of partridges, pigeons, pheasants, geese and quails, rice paper pulp, silver, steel wire.. 2017.8 x 6 x 4.5 cm.From series: Parrot Devotees. Marion Delarue
Brooch: Parrot Devotee 3, 2017
Natural feathers of partridges, pigeons, pheasants, geese and quails, rice paper pulp, silver, steel wire.
8 x 6 x 4.5 cm
From series: Parrot Devotees
© By the author. Read Copyright.

A highly developed technique enthusiast, Marion Delarue uses materials ranging from mother-of-pearl to Korean natural lacquer, coloured porcelain, and bird feathers.