
Postscript by Alexandra Gasparis

Exhibition  /  16 Aug 2024  -  08 Sep 2024
Published: 06.08.2024

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Alexandra’s unreplicable jewelry is the outcome of an ever intuitive metal sculpting process, developed in her practice.

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Alexandra Gasparis
With her latest work, Postscript, she delves in the construction of an unreal script. Drawn towards feelings of disorientation and secrecy, the adornments become a tool to invoke these sensations. In the creation of an illegible script, she pursues the abstract and the deliberately cryptic.   

The Pool Jewelry collective Amsterdam cordially invites you to their festive opening reception on August 16th 17:00-21:00. The artist will be present. 

Exhibition dates: 16th of August - 8th of September. 
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 12:00 - 18:00 h.