
Precious by Margit Jäschke

Exhibition  /  13 Nov 2014  -  18 Jan 2015
Published: 04.11.2014
Brooch: Collage for E.B. by Margit Jäschke.Kapa board, plastic, Enamel, bone, Silver. 2012.Photo:  Uwe Köhn. Margit Jäschke
Brooch: Collage for E.B., 2012
Kapa board, plastic, Enamel, bone, Silver
Photo:  Uwe Köhn
© By the author. Read Copyright.

In this exhibition presented by GfG, Margit Jäschke shows her body of work where jewellery dialogues with pictorial works. The artist doesn't work exclusively in jewellery but also brings to the field the collage, the drawing and the object of the everyday life. Offering a new context to the pieces, Margit Jäschke tells us stories in a subtle and artistic way.