
Re - Naturing the Vessel: The shared approach of Julian Stair and Simone ten Hompel

Exhibition  /  22 May 2016  -  12 Jun 2016
Published: 13.05.2016
Object: Eleven Cups on a Ground by Julian Stair.Porcelain, basalt, valchromat, lime, marble powder.. 2016.90 x 15 x 10 cm.Photo by: Julian Stair.Eleven thrown cups and beakers on an off-white rectangular ground.. Julian Stair
Object: Eleven Cups on a Ground, 2016
Porcelain, basalt, valchromat, lime, marble powder.
90 x 15 x 10 cm
Photo by: Julian Stair
Eleven thrown cups and beakers on an off-white rectangular ground.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

This joint exhibition by German metalworker Simone ten Hompel and English potter Julian Stair developed out of their shared interest in the vessel.