
Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile. Schmuck in der Residenz Nr. 8

Exhibition  /  14 Mar 2015  -  15 Mar 2015
Published: 11.03.2015
Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile. Schmuck in der Residenz Nr. 8.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

First there was the Magnificent Seven!

The Jewellery Amigos have now returned to the Residenz to show more jewels. It’s the eighth return from exile and the Einsӓulensaal has many new jewels on the blue circle. The triumphant Jewellery Amigos, Gerd Rothmann, Karl Fritsch and Robert Baines have arrived from exile for their eighth return to the Einsӓulensaal der Residenz in cooperation with Galerie Biro.