
Sanna and Karin: Memories from Schmuck 2010

Exhibition  /  03 Mar 2010  -  09 Mar 2010
Published: 18.03.2010
Sanna and Karin: Memories from Schmuck 2010.

In Pinakothek Der Moderne on Friday night, the opening of three exhibitions took place. After the opening speech, during which the non German-speaking visitors had the chance to look at some of the other guests’ spectacular jewellery, the building started to swarm with people.

The exhibitions shown where L’Italianità dei Gioielli, an exhibition with jewellery made by Giampaolo Babetto, Danner-Rotunde a selection of pieces a wide range of jewellers curated by Karl Fritsch, and Wenn Helden Zittern where nine students from three different school showed their work.

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