
Sari Liimatta: Jewellery sculptures

Exhibition  /  20 Mar 2010  -  01 May 2010
Published: 17.03.2010
Sculpture: Overbreeding by Sari Liimatta.Pearls, glass, pins, plastic.. 2010.11 x 9 x 9,5 cm. Sari Liimatta
Sculpture: Overbreeding, 2010
Pearls, glass, pins, plastic.
11 x 9 x 9,5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

(...) Animals serve as Sari Liimatta’s messengers. The scale of her work reminds one of toys, but then free of any childlike cuddliness. The synthetic-fibre animals that serve as the basis of her work are stripped of all human taint; this proces usually leaves actual traces behind, sometimes lovingly mended, but sometimes entire limbs are missing. (...)