
Ten-sion. Ten art jewellers assemble.

Exhibition  /  11 Aug 2022  -  24 Sep 2022
Published: 17.08.2022
Necklace: Phloem by Zoë Chowney.Citrine, polymer clay, plant material, silk cord.. 2020.1.8 x 5 x 6 cm.Photo by: Joani Groenewald. Zoë Chowney
Necklace: Phloem, 2020
Citrine, polymer clay, plant material, silk cord.
1.8 x 5 x 6 cm
Photo by: Joani Groenewald
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Jewellery is a universal cultural phenomenon; it tells something about the people who have worn it and their actions… [It] marks, all around the globe, milestones in life. With a piece of jewellery, you can cherish dear memories of people who have died, but also radiate a position of power, a political or religious conviction.” - Marjan Unger