
Therese Hilbert and Otto Künzli: Leonids and Fumerols

Exhibition  /  05 Oct 2010  -  30 Oct 2010
Published: 30.09.2010
Therese Hilbert and Otto Künzli: Leonids and Fumerols.
Therese Hilbert, 'Strogyli' 2010 / blackened silver, lava.
Right: Otto Künzli, 'Himmel III', 2009 / stainless steel

© By the author. Read Copyright.

(...) There you are. You stand upon the earth; formed of the same stuff, rooted to your source by the forces that wed your weight with its. Yet look up to the sky: there too, your matter is spangled and scattered. You are born of the air and of the earth and exist in one blithe, bright moment between the comets and the core. (...)