
Timothy McMahon: (un)earth

Exhibition  /  27 Oct 2011  -  03 Dec 2011
Published: 27.10.2011
Piece: LumpObA by Timothy McMahon.Copper, brass, aluminum, enamel, resin, smokey quartz, black moonstone, powder coating. 2011.8 x 20,5 x 7,5 cm. Timothy McMahon
Piece: LumpObA, 2011
Copper, brass, aluminum, enamel, resin, smokey quartz, black moonstone, powder coating
8 x 20,5 x 7,5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

(...) The latest work by jeweler Timothy McMahon is presented under the title (un)earth, classifying the series of brooches and body objects in the realm of anti-rocks, frozen nonsensically at a point of fictional metamorphosis between raw ore and traditionally refined object. (...)