

Exhibition  /  07 Oct 2011  -  06 Nov 2011
Published: 29.09.2011
Necklace: ULTRAMARINE by Sara Borgegård Älgå.Iron, embroidery thread, lapis lazuli, spraypaint. 2011.20,5 x 38 x 3 cm. Sara Borgegård Älgå
Necklace: ULTRAMARINE, 2011
Iron, embroidery thread, lapis lazuli, spraypaint
20,5 x 38 x 3 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

51 artists from Estonia, Europe, US, Australia and Asia are invited to show their work in a century old shipyard. UltraMarine is a solo sailor’s route across the sea, an artist’s dialogue with a material that takes place while she works at her desk. UltraMarine is part of the programme of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011.