
Unsichtbar by Peter Skubic

Exhibition  /  MunichJewelleryWeek2016  /  26 Feb 2016  -  18 Mar 2016
Published: 11.02.2016
Brooch: Nix dahinter (nothing behind) by Peter Skubic.Stainless-steel. 2015.8.3 x 6.8 cm.Photo by: Petra Zimmermann. Peter Skubic
Brooch: Nix dahinter (nothing behind), 2015
8.3 x 6.8 cm
Photo by: Petra Zimmermann
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Love and friendship are the most important things in the world.In the beginning there was the Big Bang. After nearly 14 billion years I started to make jewelry with my own ideas. At this time I was 34 years old. But what are my own ideas? I had to develop this. What came next during this time when I was young? Eroticism! To start jewellery with erotic forms - phalluses, vaginas, boobs - in very abstract manners, was the result. I was not trained to make jewellery, so I had to find out how to make these and others forms in my own way. I become an inventor.