
Where does the parallel world exist? by Mari Ishikawa at Jewelers Werk Galerie

Exhibition  /  09 Jul 2016  -  30 Jul 2016
Published: 04.07.2016
Necklace: Rebirth 1 - Black by Mari Ishikawa.Silver925 partly oxidized, tahiti pearl, silk.. 2016. Mari Ishikawa
Necklace: Rebirth 1 - Black, 2016
Silver925 partly oxidized, tahiti pearl, silk.
© By the author. Read Copyright.

What is reality? What is beauty? These are questions posed by Mari Ishikawa. Born and raised in Japan, she spent the initial years of her career working as an interior decorator and a designer. Seeking an artistic profession in which she could perform all of the steps in the process herself, Mari Ishikawa arrived at jewellery, an activity which occupies a unique position in many respects.